DIgital Media
For Roland Barthes, language is a mode of signification. That is to say, the meaning we associate with words (and their sounds) are solely cultural and social constructs.
Artifacts As Media
Harvard GSD
Aria XIying Bao, Nix Liu Xin, Clara He
Harvard GSD
Aria XIying Bao, Nix Liu Xin, Clara He
This project spells out this arbitrary relationship between the sign and the referent by generating a system of meaningless calligraphy using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). These empty words are then embedded into QR codes, resulting in a language system whose meaning is not accessible to our human eye but to machines.

We were curious about QR code as a concept itself, which is an image but also embed and transmit data and information. It itself is an art installation, but it also can be scanned to explore the deeper layer. Here we explore three layers of information: first is the 2D graph, an exploration of machine generated calligraphy, second is the fact that is also an icon for information transmission, the third is the hidden information behind the installation.

Will say of the mansion that it seems
As if he that lived there left behind
A spirit storming in blank walls,
A dirty house in a gutted world,
A tatter of shadows peaked to white,
Smeared with the gold of the opulent sun.
As if he that lived there left behind
A spirit storming in blank walls,
A dirty house in a gutted world,
A tatter of shadows peaked to white,
Smeared with the gold of the opulent sun.