Augmented Reality
Speciman of Morphosis
Aria XIying Bao
Houdini, Cinema 4D
Houdini, Cinema 4D
To make kin in lines of invntive connection as a practice of learning to live and die well with each other in a thick present.
design for exitential crisis
MetaMorphosis is a multimedia art that represents a series of data generated coral reef. By using climate change related data to create a simulated coral reef, the work captures the intricate and delicate beauty of these underwater ecosystems in a way that is both highly detailed and emotionally resonant. Through the use of bold colors and emotive composition, this work seeks to evoke a sense of loss and urgency. It serves as a poignant reminder of the beauty and fragility of the natural world, and the urgent need to combat the forces that are threatening its survival.

“We require each other in unexpected collaborations and combinations, in hot compost piles.
We become-with each other or not at all.”
-Donna J. Haraway
We become-with each other or not at all.”
-Donna J. Haraway

Speciman of the “Present”
This work is further represented in a mixed-reality installation that understands the three dimensional space as an aggregation of two dimensional surfaces.
As most of the 3D digital sculpture representation is limited to screen display, this work explores a phygitalization installation that goes beyond AR and hologram. The representation is horizontally displayed on a transparent screen, and vertically extended by multiple screens.
As most of the 3D digital sculpture representation is limited to screen display, this work explores a phygitalization installation that goes beyond AR and hologram. The representation is horizontally displayed on a transparent screen, and vertically extended by multiple screens.

A Speculative Exhibition: The Speciman of Anthropocene